Forest School

Where Nature meets Culture

Honeydew’s forest school, launched just one year after the creation of the community, is at the heart of our vision. How and what we teach our children – how we help them learn and unlearn – will dictate the future of our project. The school’s motto is ‘Nature and Culture’: reconnecting us with the natural world and cultivating a deep appreciation for the living planet, while at the same time fostering cultural curiosity and aesthetic literacy. Our model is not a simple rejection of the mainstream model but an attempt to synthesise the best elements of both worlds.

At present, our forest school has two age groups: from 3 to 6 years old, and from 7 to 12. Activities include nature walks, physical theatre, tending to plants and animals, language sharing, drawing of flora and fauna, as well as cooking, baking, and pizza making.

For enquiries and further information, please email